Do you ever wonder if you are getting the best results from your oils? Maybe you’ve tried using them and don’t seem to get the same results you hear others are getting from theirs. But WHY? Here are 5 tips to help you start getting better results with your essential oils:
1️⃣ Use your oils EARLY & OFTEN. Consistency and frequency is KEY when it comes to your oils! Don't wait until you are already very sick to start using your oils - use them daily as support for your entire body! And remember - an oil is metabolized in your body very quickly, so you can reapply frequently for best results.
2️⃣ Mix it Up - different oils have different benefits, and every person’s body chemistry is different. Not all oils will work the same for you as they do for someone else. This is a different approach than ‘medicine’ where it always forces the same effect. Lavender might not be calming for you, but Orange and Cedarwood might be your jam! Peace & Calming might not do anything for you but Valor or Sacred Mountain work amazingly well! Experiment and see what works for you.
3️⃣ Go Neat if you Need! Although dilution can be beneficial for sensitive skin, don’t be afraid to use your oils neat (undiluted) when appropriate. Young Living’s oils are the purest that you can find on the market and go through extensive testing for purity and authenticity. Depending on your needs, you might have better results if you don’t slow down the absorption with a carrier oil! Experiment with varying levels of dilution and don’t be afraid to just drop straight from the bottle! If it feels calm, cool it down with carrier.
4️⃣ It’s okay to use a lot! I get it, we want to make our oils last! But if you are using the TINIEST DAB of peppermint on your temples and hoping that it helps you mega headache, or diffusing 1 drop of Cedarwood at bedtime- you might be disappointed in the results. Don’t be afraid to use ENOUGH oil to really massage into your scalp and tense areas, or diffuse enough that you can really smell & FEEL the effects of the oil! Experiment with how much works for you - again, everyone is different! Here is your permission slip to use a little more oil and see how you feel.
5️⃣ Consistency is key! Just like maintaining a healthy diet or exercise routine, using your oils regularly can lead to better overall results. Using an oil one time is great - but using an oil 2-3x a day for 6-8 weeks can lead to DRAMATIC results.
So there you have it! 5 tips to help you start getting better results using your AMAZING essential oils. These tips will help you start to feel like a PRO oiler instead of a novice!