As we head into a new year, it's the perfect time to revamp your wellness goals and habits, and I am excited to help and encourage you!
In 2024, I'm ready to shed a few stubborn pounds, have more restorative sleep, and reduce inflammation - apparently a few of my joints heard that I'll be turning 60 this year! What are your health goals?
I am leading a group with a 14-Day Health Reset starting January 15. I've already had quite a few join in! If you have wellness goals that include weight loss, reducing stress, improving mood, sleeping better, or reducing inflammation then this is also for you! We will provide amazing community, encouragement, and individualized support. There is a Facebook group with a ton of resources, and if you're not on Facebook, I will get you the information you need outside of that platform.
Participants of last year's 14-day reset have experienced:
* weight loss (average 6.5 lbs)
* flatter tummy
* inches lost (average 5.2")
*more energy
*better sleep
*less aches and pains
*clothes fitting better
*feeling less "fluffy"
*smoother skin
Want to know more? Text "Reset24" to 231-222-5088 (or respond to this e-mail), and I'll shoot you more info.